How To Play

Getting started

  1. Create a player by clicking the [CREATE NEW PLAYER] button.
  2. When the create player window pops up type in your username and password and click [CREATE]. The password will be scrambled (hashed) before getting stored in a database, but it's a good idea not to use your favorite secure password.
  3. After you create the player type in your username and press [ENTER]. The password box will light up. Type your password and press [ENTER].
  4. Your player will not have started any games yet. Click the [NEW GAME] button to start a new game.
  5. The next time you start the program you don't have to create a player, just use your old login.
  6. Don't let 2 people share a login, if you did it could mess up the results of my science fair project.

Playing the game

Always play to win!

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